Baby K Designs is currently looking for somel new faces to model hair accessories, hats and headbands. { I especially need newborns and babies!! }
If selected you will win FREE accessories!
To be considered, please email 3 to 5 current images in jpg format (no larger than 640 pixel) to: babykdesigns@yahoo.com
Please include MODEL SEARCH on subject line and the following information with your images:
1) First name of child
2)Age/birth date
3)Acknowledgment & agreement of the terms to this model search
The quality of the photos is very important! Baby K is looking for professional looking photos. Photos should be taken with pure white background or nature setting (parks, grassy areas, flowers, water features are all great!) Please no distracting backgrounds. Include full length and head shots photos. We will not accept out of focus, blurry, or dark photos.
The winning models will be notified via email. Models will receive periodic shipments of hair accessories to be modeled. Each item will be the models to keep for all their hard work!
By entering this model search you acknowledge and agree to the following:
Acceptable photos must be emailed within 1 week of receipt of items or you agree to pay for all items within 7 days
Photos will be taken with pure white backgrounds or nature settings (grassy areas, flowers, water features are ideal)
You give permission for photos to be used by Baby K Designs for promotions, website and financial gains
1 comment:
I LOVE your designs! I am a photographer and I'm thinking I need to get your products for my babies!
See one of my babies here:
Thank you for your time!
Veronica Evans of Fossa Studio Photography
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